Iqra Bashir
2 min readFeb 20, 2021


“Even in the grave, all is not lost.”

Edgar Allan Poe

Difficulties or troubles make us strong but we are human being and It is a natural feeling that we become hopeless. At such hopeless times, we think that everything is going to be finished.

Amal came in my life at the very same point. I was so hopeless about my future. My fellows who completed their Masters with me were getting jobs, marrying or applying for M.phills and I was sitting depressively there and thinking, What should I d! . People were suggesting me for CSS, M,phills, government jobs or what they thought was good for me. But these all were not my cup of tea.

When I joined Amal, It was sunshine on the cold floor of winter season, for me. In which you get calmness and I would use a more suitable word “hope “ for this.

I started to learn day by day, tried to improve my learnings specially reflections and knew the importance of it. In our first session of life’s journey, I finally got the time to review my struggles, my achievements, the blessing of Allah and started to get hope for my future. Then my expectations were becoming high for Amal and Amal did not prove them wrong.

“A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye”

